Excalibur electronic Games 404 User Manual

Touch Chess  
Operating Manual  
Model 404  
Congratulations on your purchase of  
Excalibur Electronics’ Touch Chess!  
You’ve purchased both your own person-  
al chess trainer and a partner who’s  
always ready for a game—and who can  
improve as you do!  
Touch Chess gives you the White  
pieces—the ones at the bottom of the  
board. White always moves first.  
The way you select and make your move  
is very simple. Think of communicating  
your move as a two-step process—regis-  
tering the from square and then register-  
ing the to square of the move you wish to  
Install the Batteries  
If your unit has a Pull Tab, simply pull the  
tab. You may discard the tab once it has  
been pulled out. If there is no Pull Tab, or  
to replace batteries, the procedure is as  
follows: Using a small Phillips screw-  
driver, remove the battery-compartment  
panel screws on the back ofTouch Chess.  
Then remove the panel by pulling gently  
from the top. Install three fresh AG13  
batteries, making sure to follow the dia-  
gram in each battery slot so that the polar-  
ity (+ or -) of the batteries is correct.  
Using the supplied stylus (plastic pen),  
press down gently on the center of the  
square for the piece or pawn you wish to  
move. You’ll hear a beep and the piece or  
pawn will flash. If you hear an error buzz,  
and the piece does not flash, then that  
piece cannot legally move anywhere. If  
you change your mind and want to move  
a different piece, simply press the from  
square again to cancel it.  
Now gently press on the center of the  
square you want to move it to.You’ll hear  
a beep letting you know your move has  
been registered.  
Play a Game Right Away  
After you have installed the batteries, the  
display will show the chess board with all  
the pieces on their starting squares. The  
LCD will also show  
indicates you are at the first move of the  
game and ready to play chess.  
. This  
After you make your move, Touch Chess  
will reply with its move automatically.  
You’ll see the piece flash on its from  
square and move to its to square. During  
the game, the display shows the move  
number and the elapsed time for each  
Adjust the display contrast for best  
viewing. The contrast control is on the  
bottom of the unit.  
When you want to claim a win, draw, or  
want to resign—press the MODE key  
and then START.  
computer is thinking, and the computer  
will stop thinking and play the best move  
it’s found so far.  
: When this option is turned on ,  
all legal moves for the selected piece will  
be shown at one time.  
How to Update Your Rating:  
While viewing your rating with the ‘O’  
symbol on, the first press of the  
OPTIONS key shows:  
Auto Play  
Screen symbols  
: When turned on, this option will  
display the score, depth of search (num-  
ber of moves Touch Chess is "thinking  
ahead"), best move it is considering  
playing, and clock times. These will be  
displayed while the computer is thinking  
at its higher levels.  
If you would like to watch the computer  
finish a game for you automatically, press  
the MODE key, then press OPTIONS,  
When a ‘ ’ appears on the screen, it is a  
reminder that you are in check. When an  
‘O’ appears on the screen, the game you  
are playing can be rated. When an ‘ ’  
appears, it indicates you are in two  
human player mode. And lastly when an  
‘!’ appears on the screen, you are being  
warned that one of your pieces is threat-  
ened with capture. (This is similar to the  
friendly "en garde" warning sometimes  
used by human players when they are  
attacking an opponent’s queen.)  
—If you won the game, press the  
RATING key to see your new rating. Or  
press OPTIONS a second time to show:  
until the option  
is showing. Use  
the +NEXT key to change the number of  
players to zero. Press MODE to exit the  
OPTIONS mode. Now press the MOVE  
key and watch the game play itself. You  
may stop auto play at any time by press-  
ing the MOVE key. Doing so will set the  
number of players back to one.  
—If you lost the game, press the  
RATING key to see your new rating. Or  
press OPTIONS a third time to show:  
: Use this option to clear the  
chess board for easier problem setup.  
Pressing the -SETUP key now, will enter  
setup mode with the chess board cleared  
of all pieces. You must place a White and  
Black king on the board to exit setup  
—If you drew the game, press the  
RATING key to see your new rating. Or  
press OPTIONS to return to your  
unchanged rating display.  
Book Opening Trainer  
Touch Chess makes it easy for you to  
learn the same openings that world chess  
champions play! At the beginning of a  
game, you may choose to learn one of 34  
popular book openings—ways to begin  
the game—used by chess masters. Press  
MODE, then OPTIONS, to display  
, and then press the +NEXT or -  
Levels of Play  
Generally, the higher the level you select,  
the better yourTouch Chess will play, and  
the longer it will think during its moves.  
The first four levels (1, 2, 3 and 4) are  
beginner levels and take approximately 4,  
8, 12 and 16 seconds per move, respec-  
tively. Level 5 is a fixed 1-ply (one-half  
move) search. Levels 6 through 15 take  
about 1 second per level number, so level  
10 will average about 10 seconds per  
move. Levels 16 through 72 take about 2  
seconds per level number. The amount of  
time taken will vary depending on the  
position, the stage of the game, and  
whether or not the FAST level option is  
on. (See “Level Options,” page 3)  
Playing the Black Pieces  
Select between: ‘ ’—All  
When you want to play the Black pieces  
(to let Touch Chess move first) press the  
MOVE key before you make your first  
move as White. You’ll see the White and  
Black pieces switch places immediately!  
sound on; ‘ ’—No sound on key presses;  
‘ ’—No sound, except for error buzzes.  
: Adjust the automatic shut off  
time with this key. Setting it to ‘ ’ will  
disable auto shut-off altogether.  
Draw Messages  
During the game, your Touch Chess will  
SETUP keys to select the number of the  
opening you want to learn. Then press the  
MODE key to return to normal play.  
Press this keys to promote a pawn that  
reaches your opponent’s back rank to a  
piece other than a queen. (The promotion  
to a queen is the most common, so it is  
automatic.) You can also use this key to  
set up special positions (see “SETUP”  
section on page 9).  
display the word  
if a three-time  
repetition of position occurs, or if there  
has been no pawn moved and no  
exchanges for 50 moves. When either of  
these situation takes place, the rules of  
chess state that a player can claim a draw.  
If you wish, you can ignore the message  
and continue the game. When a stalemate  
Now play a move. If your move is not the  
correct opening move, an error buzz will  
sound. To learn the correct move press  
HINT. When the computer comes back  
with its move, you will briefly see the  
another opening move to make. If the  
word does not appear, you may  
on the screen if you have  
Use this key to start a new game.  
Level 73 is an infinite level. Touch Chess  
will take as long to move as you want it  
to, or until it finds a mate position in its  
search. Level 73 is good for problem  
solving (like the MATE problems avail-  
able under OPTIONS), or it can be used  
to play against. When you are tired of  
waiting, press the MOVE key while the  
is reached, the display will read  
continue normal play. You have complet-  
ed the training for that opening line.  
Game-Ending Messages  
Touch Chess will announce mate in two  
Touch Chess rates your play! Use this  
key to view your current rating. Also use  
it to enter game results for a new rating if  
the ‘O’symbol is on, showing you played  
a ratable game with no hints or take-  
) and mate in three (  
The names of the openings are:  
1. Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation  
2. Ruy Lopez, Closed Defense  
3. Ruy Lopez, Open Defense  
It will also display  
when exe-  
cuting a checkmate. When you check-  
mate Touch Chess, it will display  
4. Ruy Lopez Archangel Defense  
5. Giuoco Piano  
6. Scotch Game  
7. Four Knights  
8. Petroff Defense  
preference for attack at all costs, and  
Anderssen was one of the most ingenious  
attackers of all time. After 18. Bd6, he gives  
away both of his rooks and his queen! In the  
final position, his tiny force is deployed in just  
the right way to bring the complete Black army  
to its knees.  
check, he could play … Rxc1+ with mate next.  
But if Black can't take the rook—with either  
his king or queen—he loses in all variations.  
And by not taking it, he is eventually mated  
anyway. If you're interested in these complex  
lines, you can find a complete explanation of  
this classic game in many books.  
reached. Now press MODE then  
OPTIONS until the display reads  
. Use +NEXT to set the number  
of players to 1. Press MODE and play  
against the computer in this position.  
9. Vienna Game  
10. Sicilian, Classical Defense  
11. Sicilian, Accelerated Dragon  
12. Sicilian, Rossolimo Attack  
13. Sicilian, Dragon Variation  
14. Sicilian, Scheveningen Variation  
15. Sicilian, Najdorf Variation  
16. Sicilian, Moscow Variation  
17. Caro-Kann Defense  
18. Panov-Botvinnik Attack  
19. French Defense, Winawer Variation  
20. French Defense, Classical Defense  
21. French Defense, McCutcheon Variation  
22. French Defense, Tarrasch Variation  
23. Queen’s Gambit Accepted  
24. Queen’s Gambit Declined  
25. Queen’s Gambit, Semi-Slav Defense  
26. Queen’s Gambit, Tarrasch Defense  
27. Queen’s Gambit, Slav Defense  
28. Nimzo-Indian Defense, Rubinstein Var.  
29. Nimzo-Indian Defense, Classical Var.  
30. Queen’s Indian Defense  
Great Games  
2. Adolf Anderssen vs. J. Dufresne,  
Berlin, 1852  
5. Alexander Alekhine vs. O. Tenner,  
Cologne, 1911  
At the beginning of the game, you may  
select one of sixteen of the world’s great-  
est chess games by pressing MODE, then  
Again we see Anderssen bamboozling his  
opponent. The game starts as an Evan's  
Gambit, a form of the Giuoco Piano. White's  
19th move, Rad1!! is one of the most celebrat-  
ed in the history of the game. With his reply,  
… Qxf3, Black actually wins a knight and  
threatens mate. You'd think that would be  
enough! But Anderssen follows with a rook  
and queen sacrifice that forces checkmate in a  
shower of brilliant blows. This classic is  
known as the "Evergreen Game."  
World Champion Alekhine was a chess fanatic  
(he even named his cat "Chess") and one of the  
greatest attacking players of all time. Here he  
plays the unusual Bishop's Opening and seems  
to be developing quietly. Black even appears  
to be getting a good game just at the time  
Alekhine is able to play the swashbuckling  
11. Nxe5, allowing Black to capture his queen.  
Black's king is forced to march to the center of  
the board, an unhealthy spot for a monarch  
when so many pieces are still on the board,  
where he is mated. It's important to understand  
that such sacrifices don't just happen illogical-  
ly. White's pieces again had a dominating com-  
mand of the board, and Black allowed White's  
pressure on f7, Black's most sensitive defen-  
sive square when he hasn't castled, to build  
into an explosion.  
OPTIONS to display  
pressing the +NEXT or -SETUP key to  
select a game number  
, and then  
Along with the game number, you will  
see the position of the game after the first  
two moves were played. Press the MODE  
key to return to normal play starting at  
move three. You take the winning side.  
The display will show your total great-  
game score in two digits (zero at the start)  
on the left. On the right, the display also  
shows the amount of points you will win  
if you play the correct next great-game  
3. Paul Morphy vs. Duke Karl & Count  
Isouard, Paris, 1858  
While in Paris at the opera, the brilliant, unof-  
ficial world champion from New Orleans  
plays an offhand game against two noblemen.  
In this case, we're sure it was over before the  
fat lady sang! In a Philidor Defense, the team  
of two played a weak 3. … Bg5 that left  
Morphy with superior development (more of  
his pieces are deployed) and the bishop pair  
(two bishops against a bishop and knight).  
These two important advantages were all  
Morphy needed. After Black wastes even more  
time with another pawn move, 9. … b5?,  
Morphy hits the duo with a series of brilliant  
sacrifices to mate. Victory of mind over mate-  
rial is the poetry of chess.  
6. Gaudersen vs. Paul, Melbourne, 1928  
This "miniature" of only 15 moves, starts off  
as a French Defense in which White plays the  
Advance Variation, placing his pawns on d4  
and e5. Black's 8th move, castling, was in this  
case a blunder because his kingside is attacked  
by many pieces and not effectively defended.  
White's sparkling 9. Bxh7+ is an example of a  
bishop sacrifice that's happened so often it has  
a name—the "Greek Gift." White's 14. Nxe6+  
is an example of a discovered check, the diver  
bomber of the chessboard. White's amusing  
15th move is a very rare example of checkmate  
with the en passant capture.  
If you don’t play the correct great-game  
move, an error buzz will sound and the  
points for this move will be divided in  
half. If the bonus goes to zero, the correct  
move will automatically flash. Most  
moves start with 4 bonus points, but some  
brilliant moves start with 8 points.  
31. Queen’s Indian Defense,Petrosian Var.  
32. Bogo-Indian Defense  
33. Gruenfeld Defense  
34. King’s Indian Defense  
The moves and explanations of these famous  
openings are given in many books on chess.  
Entering Your Own Opening  
The number, players, locations, and dates  
of the great games are given below, along  
with a brief explanation of each game.  
(All game explanations are © 2000 by Al Lawrence;  
all rights reserved.)  
4.Wilhelm Steinitz vs. Kurt von Bardeleben,  
Hastings, 1895  
Touch Chess also allows you to set up  
any book opening you want—or even an  
opening you invent—to practice. Press  
MODE then OPTIONS until the display  
Wilhelm Steinitz, the first official world cham-  
pion, begins this game as a Giuoco Piano. He  
maneuvers deftly to keep his opponent from  
castling into safety. Then he sacrifices his  
pawn on d5 so that he can make the square  
available for his knight. But the most brilliant  
move of the game is 22. Rxe7+. At first glance,  
it simply looks like a blunder. All of White's  
pieces are attacked, and if Black wasn't in  
7. Edward Lasker vs. George Thomas,  
London, 1910  
1. Adolf Anderssen vs. Lionel Kieseritsky,  
London, 1851  
This marvelous attacking game, a King's  
Gambit, is widely known as "The Immortal  
Game." Both players show the 19th-century  
This masterpiece, a Dutch Defense, features a  
famous example of the king’s walk to mate.  
Edward, an American distant cousin of the  
great world champion Emmanuel Lasker, gets  
his pieces activated against Black's kingside  
. Use +NEXT to set the  
number of players to 2. Press MODE,  
then make moves for both sides until the  
opening position you want to practice is  
while the English champion Thomas develops  
(gets his pieces off the back rank and into play)  
too slowly. By 10. Qh5, White is already  
threatening an all-out blitzkrieg. His brilliant  
queen sacrifice 11. Qxh7 is followed by a dev-  
astating discovered double check, 12. Nxf6++.  
Then Black's king has to walk the plank, all the  
way across the board to g1, the normal spot for  
the White king! Here he breathes his last.  
But Black is forced to take the rook a move  
later and mate follows on the same square.  
to slay the dragon.  
structure by move 14. This gives him a "beach-  
head" on e5 and makes it hard for Black to  
counterattack in the center, which is the stan-  
dard antidote for an attack on the wing. The  
next stage starts with 16. h4. Portisch  
announces his intention to attack on the king-  
side. He refrains from castling his own king  
into safety because he knows it’s safe enough  
in the center, at least for the time it will take  
him to break through with his attack. When  
Black tries to trade off pieces with 17. …  
Bxf3, Portisch sacrifices a knight for an  
unstoppable attack with 18. Bxh6 and then  
calmly moves his king to the second rank to  
bring his other rook into the game. His Rxh4  
was another brilliant sacrifice that crushes any  
hope of defense. In the final position, Black  
resigns because White will simply play 26.  
Rxh6+, winning the Black queen. If 26. …  
Qxh6, then White plays 27. Qxh6+ and will  
mate on h7.  
14. Boris Spassky vs. Tigran Petrosian,  
Moscow, 1969  
11. Mikhail Botvinnik vs. Paul Keres,  
The Hague, 1948  
Spassky won the world championship from  
Petrosian in the match that produced this  
game. In this English Opening that becomes a  
Queen's Gambit, you'll see that once again  
White gets a strong center and quick develop -  
ment of his pieces. As early as 13. Rd1, you  
can sense that Black is in danger. His king has  
no piece defenders; his forces seem passive  
while White's are aggressively coordinated. As  
often happens in such situations, White breaks  
through with a pawn push in the center, in this  
case 15. d4-d5!. It clears the board for White's  
more active forces. Petrosian, one of the best  
defenders of all time, tries repeatedly to trade  
queens, but White wisely rebuffs these offers,  
which would take much of the power off the  
board. White's d-pawn becomes a star, advanc-  
ing all the way to the 7th rank. Because of this  
queening threat, White is able to sacrifice his  
queen for one of Black's defending rooks. In  
the final position, it's hopeless for Black  
because White will either promote his pawn to  
a queen or capture whatever Black uses to  
block on d8.  
Botvinnik won the world championship a  
record three times. His opponent here is possi-  
bly the strongest 20th-century chess player  
who did not become world champion. The  
opening is a Nimzo-Indian. White's doubled  
pawns are potentially a long-term weakness,  
but in the short term they control a good many  
all-important central squares. White plays  
cleverly to keep a grip on the position and  
breaks through on the queenside with his  
pawn-push 17. c4-c5. This gives him a chance  
to bring his queenside rook into action. He  
swings it against the kingside, sacrificing it on  
g7 to win. In the final position, Black's king  
will be mated by the White queen, supported  
by the bishop on c1. Where did Black go  
wrong? Take a look at his "unemployed"  
queen and rook on a8 and b8!  
8. Wilhelm Steinitz vs. A. Mongredien,  
London, 1862  
This games starts out as a Center Counter (also  
called Scandinavian Defense). Black loses too  
much time developing his pieces, while White  
gets his into play aggressively. Indeed, White's  
army dominates the all-important center of the  
board as well as the king's side. This sets the  
stage for a mating attack. White's two-move  
maneuver 13. Rf3 and 14. Rh3 is called a rook  
lift, and is a typical attacking strategy. This  
rook then sacrifices itself on h7 in a way that  
allows Steinitz to bring his other rook quickly  
into the fray. White is a rook down, but all of  
his forces take part in the assault, while the  
Black queen's rook and bishop seem to be  
waiting for the next game. They don't have  
long to wait.  
12. J. Banas vs. P. Lukacs, Trnava, 1986  
In a Four Knights' Game, Black gets his king  
into safety by castling and takes advantage of  
White's awkward piece placement by sacrific-  
ing his knight with 9. … Nf3+. Then he allows  
White to take his bishop on c5. But by that  
time, White's king is surrounded. In the final  
position, after 13. … Ng4, White's only effec-  
tive defender, his knight on e3, is forced from  
its square, allowing … Qg2 mate.  
9.Aaron Nimzovich vs. S. Alapin, Riga, 1913  
Another French Defense. In this one, the great  
Latvian player and writer Nimzovich (after  
whom the Nimzo-Indian Opening is named—  
see page 6) plays an opponent who wastes time  
stealing a pawn with 9. … Qxg2. "Nimzo"  
plays a punishing 12. O-O-O!, sacrificing his  
knight. He finishes up with a convincing queen  
sacrifice that forces checkmate.  
15. Robert Fischervs. Reuben Fine,  
New York, 1963  
Nine years before winning the world champi-  
onship, Bobby Fischer played this Evan's  
Gambit (a variation of the Giuoco Piano)  
against his famous elder. Bobby sacrifices two  
pawns in order to get his pieces out quickly.  
Then he plays 14. h2-h4!, sacrificing another  
pawn to force the Black queen away from the  
g7-square. After that, Black's king will be  
stuck in the center and in danger of the h4-d8  
diagonal. Bobby's final move, 17. Qg3!, forces  
Fine to resign, because he must move his  
queen from the critical black diagonal h4-d8.  
Even on 17. … Qxg3, White ignores the cap-  
ture of his own queen and plays 18. Bf6 mate!  
13. Anatoly Karpov vs. Victor Kortchnoi,  
Moscow, 1974  
Using Setup Mode  
At any time during a game when it is your  
move, you may change the position on  
the board by adding a piece or pieces,  
removing one or more pieces, or even  
changing any of the pieces—for example,  
from a queen to a knight.  
Twentieth-century chess perfected defense. It  
is no longer typical to see top-level players  
playing only for the attack. In fact, Korchnoi at  
the time of this game was one of the best in the  
world, and his forte was defense. Many fine  
players would attack him ingeniously, only to  
break up on his rock-like fortifications. Still,  
World Champion Karpov crushes him in only  
27 moves with a mating attack! In a classic  
manner against Black's Sicilian Dragon  
defense (so named probably because of the  
"tail" of control Black's bishop makes from g7  
to a1), Karpov plays the St. George attack,  
castling queenside and prying open the h-file  
10. Jose Capablanca vs. Herman Steiner,  
Los Angeles, 1933  
The handsome Cuban World Champion Jose  
Capablanca had a deceptively simple style.  
Here we see him playing the old-fashioned  
Four Knights' game and opening up his oppo-  
nent's kingside pawn protection by move 11!  
His first rook sacrifice, 17. Rxf6!, can't be  
refused and forces Black's king into a deadly  
crossfire. With 23. Qxb7!, Capa offers a sec-  
ond rook, which can't be taken immediately  
because of 23. … Qxf6? 24. Qb4 checkmate.  
Removing A Piece  
16. Lajos Portisch vs. Johannessen,  
Havana, 1966  
During the first half of this game, a Queen's  
Gambit Slav, the great Hungarian grandmaster  
Lajos Portisch locks up the center with a d4-e5  
Press MODE then the -SETUP key. Now  
repeatedly press the square the piece is on  
until the square on your display is empty.  
Press MODE to continue the game.  
Adding or Changing a Piece  
in the problem or position are completely  
set up. Finally, press MODE to play or to  
have Touch Chess analyze the position.  
Turn on the  
Castling cannot occur if:  
Press MODE then the -SETUP key. Now  
press the square you want to modify. Use  
the -SETUP or +NEXT keys to choose  
the correct piece. Press the MODE key to  
Individual Moves  
a) the King has already been moved.  
b) the Rook has already been moved.  
c) there is any piece between the King  
and the Rook.  
d) the King’s original square, or the  
square which the King must cross, or the  
one which it is to occupy is attacked by  
an enemy piece.  
2. A Pawn may make an en passant cap-  
ture if it is a reply move to a double pawn  
move, and it is a Pawn which is side-by-  
side with the Pawn which made the dou-  
ble pawn move. The capture of a white  
Pawn is diagrammed below:  
feature under  
OPTIONS(see page 4.) All legal moves  
for each selected piece will be shown at  
one time. You will quickly “learn by  
doing” the movements of all pieces.  
1. The Queen can move to any square  
along the same row, column, or diagonals  
on which it stands, but cannot pass over  
an enemy piece.  
2. The Rook can move to any square  
along the same row or column on which  
it stands, but cannot pass over an enemy  
piece. See also Castling (below.)  
Make sure that Touch Chess knows  
which color is to move. While in Setup  
Mode, you may change the color of the  
side to move by pressing the COLOR  
AREA (see page 2.)  
Setting Up Special Positions  
This is another terrific feature that allows  
you to solve problems that you see in  
magazines or newspapers, or that you  
make up yourself. It also allows you to  
enter game positions you want to play, or  
that you want Touch Chess to look at,  
perhaps using the Infinite Search level.  
General Rules of Chess  
1. The two players must alternate in mak-  
ing one move at a time. The player with  
the white pieces moves first to start the  
3. The Bishop can move to any square  
along the diaganols on which it stands,  
but cannot pass over an enemy piece.  
4. The Knight move is in the shape of an  
“L”, moving two squares up or down, and  
then one square over. Or it can be one  
square up or down, and then two over.  
5. The Pawn can move one square for-  
ward. On it’s first move it may move two  
squares forward. When capturing, it  
moves diaganolly (forward) one square.  
See also en passant (below.)  
2. With the exception of castling (see  
below), a move is the transfer of a piece  
from one square to another square which  
is vacant or occupied by an enemy piece.  
3. No piece, except the Rook when  
castling and the Knight may cross a  
square occupied by another piece.  
4. A piece moved to a square occupied by  
an enemy piece captures it as part of the  
same move. The captured piece must be  
immediately removed from the chess-  
board by the player making the capture.  
5. When one player moves into a position  
whereby he can attack the King, the King  
is in “Check”. His opponent must either  
a) move the King  
Normally, it is easier to start from an  
empty board to set up such problems. So  
first, press MODE then OPTIONS until  
(clear board) is displayed. Then  
press the -SETUP key. You’ll see that  
your display board is automatically  
3. A Pawn can be promoted if it advances  
all the way to the far side of the board. It  
is immediately promoted, as part of the  
same move, into a Queen, Rook, Bishop,  
or Knight, whichever its owner chooses.  
Since a Queen is the most powerful piece,  
it is nearly always chosen as the promo-  
tion piece. Through the promotion  
process, there may be more than one  
Queen on the board at the same time.  
cleared. The word  
will appear.  
You’re ready to set up the kings in the  
new position. Press the square on which  
the White king should stand.Then press  
the square on which the Black king  
should stand; repeatedly press it until the  
king is the correct color. (You can’t leave  
the SETUP mode until both the White  
and Black king are placed.)  
Next, pick out another piece in the prob-  
lem or position you want to set up, and  
press the square it is on. Use the -SETUP  
or +NEXT keys to change the piece to the  
correct type. Press on each square that  
has this piece type. You may also repeat-  
edly press the square until the piece  
appears in the right color on your display.  
6. The King can move one square in any  
direction, as long as it is not attacked by  
an enemy piece. See also Castling(below)  
Special Moves  
b) block the path of the attacking piece  
with another piece, or  
c) capture the attacking piece.  
1. Castling is a move of both the King  
and either Rook which counts as a single  
move (of the King) and is executed as  
diagrammed below:  
Some Tips on Chess  
1. Castle your King into safety as soon as  
2. If you control the center squares you  
will achieve an advantage. To do this  
move your center Pawns and develop  
your Bishops and Knights early in the  
6. The game is over when there is no  
escape for the King from an attacking  
piece. This is known as “Checkmate”.  
7. The game is over when the king of the  
player whose turn it is to move is not in  
check and the player cannot make any  
legal moves. This is known as  
“Stalemate” and is considered a drawn  
3. Take advantage of capture situations,  
particulary if you will gain material.  
Follow this procedure until all the pieces  
Special Care  
Battery Information  
Avoid rough handling such as bumping or  
Your Touch Chess uses 3 AG-13 batteries.  
Do not mix old and new batteries.  
Install batteries so that the polarity  
(+ and -) matches the diagrams in the bat  
Avoid moisture and extreme temperatures.  
For best results, use between the tempera  
tures of 39ºF and 100ºF (4ºC and 38ºC).  
Clean using only a slightly damp cloth.  
Do not use cleaners with chemical agents.  
Use only batteries of the same type and  
Remove exhausted batteries from the unit.  
Do not short circuit battery terminals.  
Excalibur Electronics reserves the right to  
make technical changes without notice in the  
interest of progress.  
the original consumer that its products are free from  
any electrical or mechanical defects for a period of  
ONE YEAR from the date of purchase. If any such  
defect is discovered within the warranty period,  
replace the unit free of charge upon receipt of the  
unit, shipped postage prepaid and insured to the fac-  
tory address shown at right.  
The only authorized service center in the United  
States is:  
ExcaliburElectronics, Inc.  
13755 SW 119th Ave  
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.  
Phone: 305.477.8080  
Fax: 305.477.9516  
Ship the unit carefully packed, preferably in the  
original carton, and send it prepaid, and adequately  
insured. Include a letter, detailing the complaint and  
including your daytime telephone number, inside the  
shipping carton.  
If your warranty has expired and you want an esti-  
mated fee for service, write to the above address,  
specifying the model and the problem.  
The warranty covers normal consumer use and does  
not cover damage that occurs in shipment or failure  
that results from alterations, accident, misuse, abuse,  
neglect, wear and tear, inadequate maintenance,  
commercial use, or unreasonable use of the unit.  
Removal of the top panel voids all warranties. This  
warranty does not cover cost of repairs made or  
attempted outside of the factory.  
Any applicable implied warranties, including war-  
ranties of merchantability and fitness, are hereby  
limited to ONE YEAR from the date of purchase.  
Consequential or incidental damages resulting from  
a breach of any applicable express or implied war-  
ranties are hereby excluded. Some states do not  
allow limitations on the duration of implied war-  
ranties and do not allow exclusion of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above limitations and  
exclusions in these instances may not apply.  

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